Ethiopian Teen Surrenders Life at Local Youth Group

There are about 10,000 Ethiopians in the Middle Tennessee community. Of those 10,000, roughly 1,000 are proclaimed Christians. Similar to other cultures and religions, Orthodox believers can be challenging to engage on gospel conversations and generally do not like to coerce with Ethiopian believers.

Sister Dani* has been a strong believer since she came to the United States in the mid 90s. After being radically saved in a refugee camp, her faith was the only thing that kept her persevering during difficult times and it has not slowed her down since becoming a U.S. citizen.

As one of the 1,000 believers in Jesus Christ, she has made it her mission to share the gospel to people of all backgrounds and cultures but the closest to her heart are obviously “her people.” Recently, an Orthodox family she had relationship with contacted her to assist in helping with their son. He was having some attitude and behavior problems that the parents could not seem to work out. Raising kids in a Western country for many immigrants is very difficult and they often feel alone and discouraged trying to understand the cultural dynamics of parenthood with kids growing up in American schools.


It is extremely rare Orthodox Ethiopians let Christian Ethiopians in, let alone giving her access to their family. So Dani decided to pick this teen up one Saturday and take him to the youth group her Ethiopian church had only recently begun.

It was this very night, with only the favor of God, to grant Dani access to this young man, that he made a decision to surrender his life to Jesus.

We are so thankful that God is moving in the emerging generations and this young man is one testimony of many young people, from other nations, who are making decisions to follow Christ. Let’s continue to pray for the youth of the world, that they would come to know Jesus and begin to change the narrative of the gospel in their home countries.

*Name has been changed to protect her identity. Dani has been an ILC Resident since 2017.