5 Ways to Impact the Nations with the Gospel without Leaving Your City

Take a look at what Trek-X, a community organization working with unreached people groups as to say about reaching those right in our neighborhoods! Lessons we can learn working amongst internationals…

Our Task of Making Disciples

As followers of Jesus, we are all given the task of making disciples, and building up the Kingdom of God around the world. A vitally important aspect to this is going where the Gospel has not been proclaimed, and sharing it with those who have never heard of Jesus. We believe that as Christ followers, we are to spread the Gospel of Jesus around the world. 

What if I Can’t Travel?

But, what if you can’t travel? Whether it’s a health issue, or you can’t get time off from work during this season, or something else, how can you be an active contributor to the spread of the Gospel around the world? Here are 5 ways you can impact the nations with the Gospel, without leaving your city. 

1. Minister to refugees and immigrants

We don’t have to go far to build relationships with people from different cultures. The nations are literally in our own cities. Find ways to build relationships with refugees and immigrants. Invite them into your home, learn about their story and culture, and love them well. Show them the love of Jesus, and look for ways to point to Him.


2. Minister to international students

If you live near a college, chances are there’s a group of international students near you! These students are far from home, and likely don’t know many people in your city. See if a Church or campus ministry program is serving them, and ask them about getting connected with an international student. Invite them into your home, opening the door to being a home away from home for them. Love them well, and point to Jesus as opportunities arise.

3. Support a missionary financially 

This one is pretty straightforward. Give out of the abundance that God has blessed you with, and support someone financially who is going overseas on mission. Without financial support, it’s extremely difficult for missionaries to do what they do. So, give of your resources, and further the work that they’re doing.

4. Utilize the Power of the Internet

We live in a digital age. Everyone is connected, all around the world. While it’s easy to focus on the negatives that technology brings, we can intentionally utilize it in redemptive ways. At no other point in history have we been able to jump on a video call and see and talk with someone on the other side of the world in real time. The potential that this has to build up the global Church is incredible! Develop a friendship with a Christ follower in another country, and invest in that friendship! Disciple each other, learn from each other, and encourage each other in your different cultural contexts.

5. Pray for Gospel expansion


Most importantly, pray for Gospel expansion across the Earth. When Jesus was teaching His disciples how to pray, He said, “Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on Earth as it is in heaven.” This should be a frequent prayer in our hearts. Pray for Jesus’ kingdom to come in your backyard, in your city, and on the other side of the world. Pray for His will to be done, in spite of the evil happening around the world. And pray for Jesus to come, bringing Heaven to Earth. 

Trek-X is based out of Fayetteville, GA and exists to trek, train, and launch missional believers who share Christ and make disciples among the unreached.